Our Caregiver of the Month: Sheri Johnson

August 31, 2017
The Caregiver of the Month for June 2017, gives in so many ways through her company called "Saving Grace". But as you will see in this write-up, Sheri Johnson has a truly caring side that goes far beyond her job. Family Legacy is so proud to share her story and recognize her with this honor! "I am convinced that "God" put everything under the "Heavens" in charge of Angels to care for either those seen or unseen! Assuredly also he put humans with the hearts of Angels to care for us or for us to care for! This I must express from my Godly heart that my caregiver Sheri Johnson is one of those humans with the heart of an Angel put here by our God, Jesus Christ, but to care for me not only as an occupation but that his will be done. She is willing without complaint, caring and truly efficient, understanding, respectful and goes beyond what is required for her clients. What more could one ask for in an angel, caregiver or friend in Christ?" Submitted by Doris H. Thomas   At the end of twelve months the review committee will select the Caregiver of the Year to be revealed at the Annual Luncheon. The Caregiver of the Year will win a 3-night trip to Florida, $200 spending money and an engraved gift and plaque. Do you know a Caregiver? Nominate them today!
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